Conversations with my Father- Part I

Dad: Who is this guy you keep talking about?
Me: What?... The only guy I keep talking about is Amin, and I'm usually bitching about what an asshole he is.
Dad: (confused)... la 3injad. Meen howa?
Me: Wallah dad it's Amin... bs eza fi hada tani... don't worry he isn't worth discussing... he is also an asshole.
Dad: 2ah! Heck Bedi 2yaki!
Me: Bs lesh ya3ni, inta sho sm3et? (hinting that I know he was eavesdropping).
Dad: (nervously) La wala eshy... ana bs heck.... curious...

Dad: I feel lucky... ma 7asat fi eshy bel denya tmanato bel 7aya w ma t7kak... Ya3ni I wanted a Taxi company and I had it... I wanted a grocery story and I had it... I traveled the world and drove the fanciest cars... I had a good life.

Dad: My only regret is that I didn't spend enough time with you guys growing up... I guess you always think there will be more time... but it all happens so fast.

Me: Dad, what's your favorite memory with us growing up?
Dad: Ummm.... Wallhi I think this is my favorite memory. Being with you guys right now in New York.

Dad: I think I should stop taking my pills (morphine pills for the pain).
Me: What?... What do you mean?
Dad: Ya3ni maybe I don't need them anymore.
Me: Dad, this is for the cancer...
Dad: Yeah, but they say that it's not good for your liver.
Me: Thinking... (who gives a fuck about your liver right now... you have an enormous tumor growing inside of you... pressing on all your other vital organs! That is what you should be worried about!)... Well, dad I don't know about that... but without them you would be in a lot of pain.
Dad: You think so?... ya3ni the other day 2et2a5arat la a5adet el dawa w ma 7asat bel waja3.
Me: I wouldn't stop taking the pills without talking to your doctor first. You are meeting with him next week, you can ask him these questions.
Dad: Yeah... I think you are right.

Dad: I think you should go back to the blad for a couple of years. It will clear your head. Inti kteer confused. At least fi bladna 2el akel 2ylo ta3em!

Dad: Fi zlaem such a bastard... eza mish mo3damhom (laughs).
Me: Tell me about it... I don't trust them as far as I can throw them!

Dad: I can't believe they are doing this and then kal they call me as if they didn't do anything... Keef lama amoot??
Me: It's like you used to always say dad "Bktolo el kateel w byemsho bjanazto"
Dad: (laughs)... Wallah that is true.

Dad: Doctors are stupid. All they care about is money... Sarat 7ayat el wa7ad tyjara... 2amen sh'3la hay

Dad: Keef ya3ni it doesn't have a cure? Kol hal 3elm w ma 3indom cure? Lessa a7san law ma b7ko lalel wa7ad

Me: This really sucks dad.
Dad: I know habibti bs heck el denya... I lost my mother and father too.
Me: This isn't about death and dying... we are all going to die... But I want you in my life I want you there...
Dad: I know...

Dad: Wallahi you are my favorite....
Me: Is that what you tell the others too??
Dad: No.
Me: Dad....
Dad: (laughs-- my dad usually laughs when he is lying) walek wallah... hay bossa sho bedek akatar men heck??
Me: Whatever... all I know is that I REALLY should be your favorite!


S. King said…
I love this Amar. Keep writing when you can. Thinking of you all.

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